Two day training workshop for Information Officers
3-4 October 2017
Fabulous Buckinghamshire venue
Red Kite Veterinary Consultants Ltd and Understanding Animal Research have joined forces to bring you a two-day meeting packed with training workshops, essential information and networking opportunities.
This workshop is aimed primarily at Named Information Officers working under the Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986, but is open to anyone within the research community who wants to find out more about searching for and managing information.
• Meet and connect with other NIOs
• SYRCLE information search training. Delivered by the team from SYRCLE at Radboud University, this workshop will explore how to conduct a systematic review.
• FOI and ASPA update: what have the public been asking about?
• Information retrieval workshop: exploring search engines and 3Rs databases.
• Self-auditing: how to use routine audit and significant event audit to improve practice.
The full meeting (early bird price if booked before 30 June £575, price after 30 June £625) includes two nights’ accommodation and all meals. Day delegate and single night packages are also available. The meeting will follow a workshop format and places are strictly limited.
Registration is now open for NIOs. Click here to book and secure your space.
Booking is open for NIOs only until the end of March and to all others
from the beginning of April. Deadline for registration is 4 September.